
TASK = The Key To Agent Success!

Tammy Levent created The Travel Agent Success Kit 10 years ago to help new agents learn about the travel industry. Today, TASK is one of the best training programs for agents who want to understand everything there is to know about how to thrive in their chosen travel industry niche.

There are 4 TASK training components – TASK Kit Video Series, TASK 24k, TASK Live, and TASK Elite. Tammy has helped more than 500 travel agents since she began hosting TASK events 7+ years ago and assisted many new travel agencies in finding their success. Then covid hit.

Despite COVID, Tammy proceeded with her TASK Live 1 Event, which was held in Tampa in June 2020. “Even COVID can’t stop me when I’m on a mission!” Tammy states. Agents came from all over the United States to learn how to sustain their travel business during the worst time in travel history. Tammy also held free Zoom meetings and made private calls to agents who didn’t want to or couldn’t attend the live event.

Those who sign up for a TASK Live Event are ready to learn all of Tammy’s secrets to successfully reach their travel-related goals. The college-level curriculum she offers is truly unlike any other travel training program available today. Anyone who attends one of these informational events will definitely walk away with the tools and knowledge they need to build or rebuild their brand.

Specific topics addressed include marketing, vendor relationships, creating leads, how to manage clients, and how to run a travel business efficiently.

Tammy’s next TASK Event? Check out the calendar here. And she’s more excited than ever to teach new agents and agencies what they need to know to be successful! A larger group of 30 agents will be held at Dreams Vista in Cancun, where John Van den Heuvel, the president of Gogo will speak to the audience, as well as a tour operator coming in all the way from Greece.

Travvy Awards

We’ve won Magellan and Travvy awards in the past for the best training program in the industry, as TASK is an event that changes lives for the better.

Always a Silver Lining

Tammy’s silver lining for 2020? “While 2020 was indeed a challenging year, my focus was to be imaginative and flexible to continue my passion for helping travel agents reach their dreams. It was important to continue TASK even during covid because there needs to be a focus on the travel industry now”.

TASK Live June 2021

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“Tammy Levent’s TASK has continuously provided travel agents: veterans and new to industry, the tools needed to grow and develop their business, and GOGO Vacations is honored to be a continued sponsor. I was proud to be the keynote speaker for this years event to not only celebrate the return of leisure travel that our industry is experiencing, but also to celebrate the travel agents who are passionate and driven to be a part of that growth as we drive forward into summer and fall travel.

There has never been a more promising time to be a travel agent, as the demand for travel has returned, and the need for a travel agents’ expertise and experience is more apparent than ever. TASK was positioned at the perfect time this year, as travel to the Caribbean and Mexico has returned to 2019 levels and more, and the borders to other global destinations like Europe, the UK, Maldives, and Asia are gradually opening with inquiry surges coming in the months ahead.”


GoGo Vacations

Introducing TASK

Why TASK Live?

TASK Testimonials

“Truly enjoyed Task and being an old time (40+) years in the business may I say that TASK has been absolutely hands down the best investment of my travel career! Tammy provides so much insight to the travel industry well worth the time invested. I highly recommend attending her trainings.”

~ Noelia Gisbert ~


Tammy Levent: Keynote Speaker, Business Strategist, World Travel Expert, Best-Selling Author & TV Travel Correspondent!

Tammy’s Ventures

Tammy Levent is the founder of Elite Travel, an award-winning national travel agency. For 3 years she educated viewers with travel-related news and advice during her weekly segment Just Go Trav (NBC Daytime). She’s also the creator of T.A.S.K. (Travel Agent’s Success Kit™), a consulting business to help startups and/or struggling travel agencies successfully adapt to this new age of travel. Her non-profit It’s My Bag is an organization that donates suitcases, and more, to children in foster care. Tammy recently launched her latest business enterprise – Heavenly Puffs – the first frozen authentic Loukoumades for food service & markets.

The Travel Agent’s Agent

Tammy is a travel agent’s agent. She created Elite Travel in the wake of 9/11, during the collapse of the airlines, in the face of natural disasters, the recession, and the onslaught of online booking engines. This is why she knows better than most how to create a successful business in an adverse climate. She understood that the travel industry was in need of help, and she forged ahead to restore dignity to the art of travel. She states, “To win our clients back, we need to change the way we think of travel agents and redefine the business”.

In 2013, she partnered with several top entrepreneurs, including Kevin Harrington from Shark Tank and As Seen on TV. The goal was to develop The Travel Agent’s Success Kit ™ or TASK, to help struggling travel agencies successfully adapt to traveling in today’s world.

Building Brands

Tammy is quite the sales expert and business strategist! She knows how to build brands from scratch. She’s conducted dozens of workshops and seminars on how to motivate employees, increase sales, generate leads, and create strategic partnerships. She shares her vast knowledge at every event and states that with the right mindset, anyone can achieve anything! As a one-of-a-kind keynote speaker, she always provides attendees with actionable takeaways.

As a private consultant, Tammy uses her personal Rolodex along with one-on-one coaching to help others create new businesses and new brands that can reach potential multimillionaire clientele within a 6-month time frame. Her goal is to teach proven ways to success!

It’s time for change in your life and career – sign up now!